Massage is an aid to the body’s natural mechanisms to release stresses, which have built up over a period of time.
In order to gain maximum benefit from your Massage Treatment, it is advisable as part of your aftercare routine, that you follow the steps over the next 12 hours:
Drink plenty of water and herbal infusions to help flush out toxins; massage aids the removal of toxins from the body. Aim to drink two glasses of water after each drink of tea or coffee.
Don’t drink alcohol or smoke for the next 24 hours; massage aims to detoxify the body -alcohol and smoking are counter-productive as they increase the levels of toxins within the body.
Avoid heavy meals
Do not shower or bathe directly after a treatment for at least 6 – 8 hours. The essential oils used, need to penetrate the skin in order to be absorbed into the system to achieve optimum results. Also avoid sauna & steam rooms
Avoid direct exposure to strong sunlight, and do not use sun beds following the use of any oils.
Be aware of your posture.
Most importantly:
Rest as much as possible in order to assist the healing process.
You may experience a feeling of tiredness or fatigue following massage. In some cases, headaches may follow.
You may feel emotional. It’s quite natural to feel tearful.
Increased urination or flu-like symptoms (runny nose, coughing) may be experienced, but these will be temporary as the body re-balances itself.